Governments and Municipalities

Challenges you are facing

Disruption of critical infrastructures can have significant impact


Federal, provincial and municipal governmental infrastructures manage some of the most critical functions in our society. Citizens are dependent on the reliable operation of energy and water supplies, and on the simplified access to information with the use of common technologies All the while requiring the confidentiality of these information exchanges.


Overall, all public, government and municipal services are responsible for protecting our data’s confidentiality and its integrity, which relates specifically to private citizen information, public health and safety, water treatment and the protection of the sanitation infrastructure.


Any disruption of these critical infrastructures and information systems, even short-term, can have a direct impact on businesses, communities and the personal well-being of its citizens. If unprepared, a cyber-attack launched against these facilities and their interrelated systems can have catastrophic and cascading effects without regard to national borders.


Struggling against cyberthreats


In an era where almost all services are offered online, the online environment offered by governments and municipalities to its employees and citizens is increasingly at risk.


Government and municipal entities must prioritize the security of their IT infrastructures as well as the protection of private information of individuals and businesses hosted in their databases. However, these environments still fall prey to new and evolving threats and vulnerabilities.

Discovering opportunities

BCI has several years of experience in the implementation of security solutions for critical government facilities at the federal, provincial and municipal levels. We build and leverage on each other’s experience to maximize our contribution to your overall security challenges while adhering to stringent governance, risk and compliance obligations during the execution of each mandate entrusted to us.


As a provider of IT security services for governments and municipal entities, BCI has established teams who deliver solutions requiring very high levels of reliability, trust, empowerment and a comprehensive understanding of the legislative framework governing these entities. We ensure to meet the requirements of the most stringent standards, such as PIPEDA, HIPAA, the Act-83, etc.


BCI has developed solutions that address:


  • Security policy development;
  • Security organization;
  • Assets classification;
  • Human resources security;
  • Physical security;
  • Physical and logical access controls;
  • Continuity of business operations;
  • Regulatory compliance services.


The results of our analysis are documented in a comprehensive report that includes an assessment of each critical component and recommendations to enhance your security posture .